20th May 2021 - 08:14

Crisp baked (GC) Sausage cut into round chunks with a smokey tomato sauce, Haricot & Red Kidney beans and pieces of roasted butternut squash. Topped with “ruffled” filo pastry baked until crisp & golden. Served with wedges of cucumber & pepper.
2 x Pkts of Green Cuisine Meat-Free Sausages
• 200g Diced Onion
• 2x Minced Garlic Cloves
• Half a sachet of “Tex Mex” flavour i.e. Chilli Spice / Fajita Spice – to deliver the depth of BBQ back flavour
• 1 x Squash – Peeled De-Seeded Butternut Squash / cut into approx 1” dice
• 1 x litre of Tomato Passata
• 1 x tin Chopped Tomatoes
• 3 x tins Red Kidney Beans
• 3 x tins Haricot Beans
• 1 x Cup measure of BBQ Sauce
• Approx half a 220g pkt of Filo Pastry
• 30g Olive Oil (for cooking the onion, roasting the squash and brushing the filo pastry)
Preparation method
- Pre-heat oven to 185°C / Roast
- Place the diced Butternut Squash onto a shallow (25mm) gastro tray and coat the dice with 10g of the olive oil – place into the oven and roast for 15 minutes whilst you begin working on the bean based sauce for the dish.
- Once the Squash is roasted set aside until required a little later in the recipe.
- Place approx 10g of Olive oil into a pan and warm, add the diced onion and stir until the onion begins to soften, then add the minced/ pureed garlic and stir until the garlic is lightly fried into the onion.
- Add the half sachet of the “Tex Mex” spice and cook until it’s mixed through the onion & garlic mix. This will be very aromatic.
- Place the Green Cuisine Meat-Free Sausages into the oven and cook for 12 minutes – once cooked cool slightly then cut up into 1 inch pieces.
- Mix in the tomato puree to the onion and Tex Mex mix and cook out for 3-4 minutes and once this is cooked down add the BBQ sauce, the chopped tomatoes and the passata, and bring to a simmer.
- Once simmering for 5 minutes, add the drained beans & bring back to a simmer, then transfer to a gastro tray, drop in the chopped Green Cuisine sausages and the roasted diced squash pieces, and lightly stir.
To top with Filo Pastry
- Open the pastry packet and lay two pieces side by side and brush lightly with the remaining olive oil and dust with a pinch of the “Tex Mex” mild spice then place two more pieces of filo on top and finally very sparingly brush with a little more olive oil.
- Then take these “layered” filo rectangles and lightly “scrunch” them and drop on to cover the bean, squash & sausage mix in the Gastro tray and place into the hot oven for 5/7 minutes approx 185°C.
- When the pastry is golden brown and crisp take out and serve.
Recipe courtesy of
Green Cuisine