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Caesar salad with grilled chicken, poached egg, croutons and bacon

15th Mar 2012 - 01:37

Serves 4 4 chicken breasts (preferably free-range and/or organic), char-grilled or grilled 4 free-range eggs 4 little gem lettuces 60g bacon lardons 50g garlic croutons Caesar salad dressing (see below) 60g Parmigiano reggiano cheese, cut into shavings Salt and freshly ground black pepper Caesar salad vinaigrette 200g mayonnaise 60ml white wine vinegar 20ml water 2 cloves garlic, crushed and finely chopped Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Preparation method

Method: 1. First make the vinaigrette. Place all the ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper. 2. Blanch the lardons in boiling water for a minute. Drain, and then add to a small frying pan together with a knob of butter. Fry until golden, drain and reserve. 3. Poach the eggs in boiling water with a dash of white wine vinegar for 1½ minutes and refresh in iced water. Just before serving reheat in a saucepan of simmering water. 4. Break the little gem lettuce leaves and place in a salad bowl together with the bacon lardons and garlic croutons. Dress with the Caesar salad dressing and toss well. Plate and add the parmigiano reggiano shavings. 5. Slice the char-grilled chicken and arrange on top of the salad. Top the chicken with a warm poached egg and serve at once. Recipe from Two Michelin-starred Chef, Michael Caines MBE.

Recipe courtesy of
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