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Brunch salad

14th Mar 2012 - 13:03

Ingredients: ·Drained Heinz Beanz ·Cherry tomatoes on the vine ·Bite size pieces of English muffins ·Olive oil ·Sliced chorizo ·Strips of streaky bacon ·Eggs ·Salad leaves ·For ketchup dressing Dressing: ·Heinz tomato ketchup ·Olive oil ·White wine vinegar ·Dried basil ·Salt and freshly ground black pepper:

Preparation method

1.Roast cherry tomatoes and muffin with olive oil for about 10 minutes until tomatoes are softened and muffin croutons golden. 2.Meanwhile, fry chorizo slices and bacon until browned and keep warm. Make dressing by whizzing together dressing ingredients until emulsified and season well. Poach eggs while assembling salad. 3.Serve salad leaves topped with Heinz beans, roasted tomatoes, croutons, chorizo and bacon. Top with poached eggs and drizzle over dressing.

Recipe courtesy of
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PSC Team