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Braised Shoulder of Pork with Ale & Black Pudding Dumplings

14th Mar 2012 - 11:03

Ingredients ·2kg Diced pork shoulder ·40g Vegetable oil ·300g Sliced onion ·20g Chopped garlic ·30ml Worcester sauce ·10g Mustard powder ·1.5 litres Brown stock ·300ml Brown Ale ·80g Butter ·50g Flour ·800g Honey roasted root vegetables ·1kg Potatoes ·Black Pudding Dumplings ·600g Plain flour ·8g Baking powder ·100g Butter ·100g Egg (x2) ·100g Black pudding ·up to 50ml Milk

Preparation method

Method Brown the diced pork in a hot fryingpan with a little oil. Sweat the onion and garlic with butter then add flour and stir well. Add the browned diced pork, Worcester sauce, mustard, brown stock and Brown Ale and slow cook for 1 hour. Then add the honey roasted vegetables, peeled potatoes and the black pudding dumplings for 30minutes in a preheated oven at 150c. Dumplings: Sift the flour into a mixing bowl Add the baking powder and mix. Rub in the butter and black pudding and stir in the egg. Add enough milk to make up a dough. Squeeze it all together and form into dumplings the size of golf balls.

Recipe courtesy of
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PSC Team