A spokesperson for Williams said: “One of the big factors in favour of drawers is access. With a drawer, it’s easy to get at everything stored inside. With a standard cabinet-with-door, getting at the food at the back can be tricky. The last thing chef wants to be doing is constantly bending over and stretching for the ingredients they need. Open a drawer and you can get at everything inside, easily.
“Both standard counters and individual drawer units, such as Williams’ Chef’s Drawers and Under Broiler Counters (UBC), are usually sited in the kitchen. Counters and undercounter cabinets sit under, or provide part of, the worksurface, while individual drawer units are space-savers that can be sited out of the way, in nooks and gaps that otherwise might be unused. UBCs can even go directly under prime cooking equipment. The point is, they all give staff access to ingredients right where they’re needed – in the heart of the kitchen.”
To learn more about Williams extensive product range visit: www.williams-refrigeration.co.uk.