All four models within Wexiödisk’s glasswasher range helps operators to ensure good cleaning results. The new Glass-lift function angles the basket during final rinse stage of the cycle and allows water to evenly run down the outside of each glass, allowing for ‘spotless glassware’ results.
David Glover, UK & Ireland country manager, said: “Thanks to the development of a brand-new GLASS-Lift system, excess water does not collect at the base of the glass and cause water smears and stains; it alternatively waterfalls down the outside surface of each glass in order to ensure a thorough wash and sparkling, dryer finish.”
To ensure the very best end results, even at sites with poor water quality, an external RO-unit can be connected to each hood-type glass-washer, which has as standard warm, and cold-water connection. The hood-type glass-washer is filled with warm water and runs on cold water.
All four of Wexiödisk’s new Glass models feature three different glass-ware cycles, each featuring various wash times and water temperatures which can easily be adjusted for different glass types such as wine glasses ,beer glasses and standard glasses
Each model within the new Glasswasher series has been expertly manufactured from the ‘highest-grade’ stainless steel making them incredibly robust, hygienic and durable.
The WD-6 Duplus Glass and WD-7 Duplus Glass are also exceptionally sustainable, utilising just 1ltr of fresh water per cycle - up to four times less than other leading models.
For further information on Wexiödisk, visit: www.wexiodisk.co.uk