The senior operational & policy manager with NHS Estates and Facilities, he chaired the Independent Review of NHS Hospital Food that saw just last month the publication of eight new National Standards of Hospital Food for patients, staff and visitors that all NHS organisations will be legally required to meet.
He has led efforts to embed the review recommendations through the formation of an NHS Chef competition, the creation of the NHS Chef Academy, and using 20 ‘exemplar Trusts’ to highlight best practice.
He says: “It’s widely accepted that if we are to empower recovery through food and drink, we need a whole hospital approach, linking directly with nursing and dietetics.
“And we must also recognise the importance of our staff having access to suitable food and drink, rest areas and time to pause.”
Interview: Phil Shelley says leadership, skills and strong teams are crucial in the NHS
View the full list of the Most Influential in Public Sector Catering 2022