Originally aimed at the use of recycled materials by manufacturers in Wales, it can now also support preparation for re-use, refurbishment and re-manufacturing activities, including the production of sustainable goods to aid the global fight against coronavirus, such as Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Marcus Gover, WRAP chief executive, said the revised and more agile application process would enable grants to be awarded more quickly. The changes had been made to help the Welsh economy respond to the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic.
He said: “The purpose of the Wales Circular Economy Fund is to help build a strong, sustainable manufacturing and remanufacturing sector in Wales.
“It will support locally manufactured and remanufactured goods made from recycled Welsh raw materials.
“It will support the growth of local repair and refurbishment services to help Welsh people get the maximum value from the products they buy. It will create jobs, help to tackle climate change and make the Welsh economy more resilient.
“Grants awarded to date will result in over £2m of capital investment. Now we have extended the scope, we are looking forward to applications from more organisations operating in Wales.”
Eligible projects must operate in Wales and:
* increase the use of recycled plastic, paper/card or textiles in existing or new products (projects seeking to use other recycled materials will be considered on a case-by-case basis); or
* extend the life of products/materials through preparation for re-use, refurbishment or re-manufacturing activities.
More information can be found at: http://www.wrapcymru.org.uk/grants