The 31st World Cheese Awards will bring together over 230 buyers, retailers, writers and makers from every corner of the globe to judge the entries from over 30 different countries as part of a new food and drink festival Matnasjonen Norge (Food Norway).
John Farrand, managing director of the Guild of Fine Food, organisers of the awards, said: “This global celebration of cheese leaves a lasting legacy each and every year, for its hosts as well as its winners, and we feel incredibly proud to be taking the headline slot at Matnasjohen Norge, as the country salutes its famers, producers, chefs and retailers.
Entrants will be judged on the rind and body of the cheese, its colour, texture, consistency and, above all, its taste, with the hope to win a bronze, silver, or gold award.
An exceptional cheese from each table will then be nominated for a super gold award, which will be judged by a super jury of 16 internationally recognised experts.
The final showdown, however, will then debate the final cheeses in front of a live consumer and trade audience before choosing the world champion live on WCA TV with cheese-lovers across the globe expected to tune in for the announcement.
The World Cheese Awards is open for entry from 5 September until 28 September 2018 and cheese producers can enter online at www.gff.co.uk/wca.