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WKC chefs help to launch charity campaign

21st Mar 2013 - 10:25
Westminster Kingsway College (WKC) second year professional chef students along with Gary Hunter, head of Culinary Arts, Hospitality and Food & Beverage Service helped to launch the Global Poverty Projects Live Below the Line campaign in London’s famous Leadenhall Market.

The students were joined by renowned chefs Andrew Kojima, Omar Allibhoy and Chris Galvin as well as up and coming chef Emma McQuistan.

Hunter said: "We are delighted to support the 'Live Below the Line' campaign to raise awareness of global food poverty."

The charity campaign ‘Live Below the Line’ is coordinated by the Global Poverty Project to raise awareness of global food poverty by challenging people to spend five days feeding themselves with only £1 per day – the threshold below which 1.4billion people worldwide have to survive every day. Charity partners that continue to support and work with the campaign include Oxfam, Save the Children, UNICEF, Christian Aid, Restless Development and Malaria No More UK.

A number of celebrity and industry chefs including Hunter have provided recipes for a 33.3p meal (or a £1.33p meal for a family of 4). Hunter’s recipe for butternut squash ravioli with thyme, tomato and red onion butter sauce for the cost of £1.33p for a family of four will be featured alongside recipes from Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, Gizzie Erskine, Bill Granger, Daniel Galmiche, Richard Bertinet, Richard Davies and Ben Tish.

The campaign encourages people to get sponsored for the ‘Live Below the Line’ challenge, which will take place globally from April 2013. Money raised will be given to the participant’s charity of choice.

Written by
PSC Team