If you have fantastic kitchen porters that you want to celebrate, simply share a picture of them on Twitter with the hashtag #kpday. For every picture received, Winterhalter will donate £1 to Hospitality Action, up to a maximum of £1000.
Hospitality Action is a charity that supports the UK’s Hospitality industry workers when they find themselves in a crisis. Emergency grants are available for those in need.
A £100 donation can buy basic clothing and waterproof shoes for someone in need. £250 can buy baby items for new mothers and £1,000 will help towards the cost of an unexpected funeral.
Stephen Kinkead, managing director of Winterhalter UK, said: We’ve raised a lot of money for great causes in the past. We’ve had some great photos too; it’s always very heartening how eager the industry is to celebrate the work kitchen porters do.
“We’re hoping to be able to raise lots of money for Hospitality Action. It’s a great cause, so put the date in your diary and get ready to join in the celebrations this year!”
You can submit your nomination at www.kpoftheyear.com. The deadline is 9 August 2019.