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Wing Yip opens refurbished Birmingham Business Centre

28th Aug 2019 - 09:29
Ahead of its 50th anniversary celebrations next year, oriental food and ingredients supplier, Wing Yip has completed the renovation of its Birmingham Business Centre.

The revamp has allowed Wing Yip to further grow its commercial offering and the centre now has a total of 22 multi-purpose units, all of which are accessible to local businesses. 12 of those 22 units have now been let as demand for space continues to grow.


Managing director, Brian Yip, said: “We’re delighted to announce that our new and improved Birmingham Business Centre is now fully up and running!


“This has been an integral part of the Birmingham community for many years and provides a wealth of specialist services to both Chinese and non-Chinese communities alike.


“I’m particularly thrilled to have Min Min’s on our doorstep. I have been eating there for many years, so to be able to dine there again on a more regular basis is a big advantage!”


The centre has been completed with a landscaped outside seating area to be enjoyed by the local community, as well as a brand new Pan-Asian restaurant, Min Min.


It will serve a variety of Oriental dishes including soup noodles, salads, rice dishes and sharing plates.


Written by
Melissa Moody