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Wilson Vale adopts 50 bee hives

8th Sep 2016 - 09:16
Wilson Vale has committed to adopting 50 bee hives from the British Beekeepers Association to support research into honey bee health and education into good bee husbandry.

Andrew Wilson, co-founder of Wilson Vale, said: “We are doing what we can to support Mother Nature. As big users of quality honey throughout our 85 catering operations nationwide, we feel that this is a great opportunity to support the wonderful work carried out by the British Beekeepers Association.”

The company is also actively supporting its client’s beekeeping initiative at Kellogg’s in Manchester. Kellogg’s has partnered with Plan Bee, a sustainability company that establishes and manages on-site honeybee hives for businesses.

An initial eight honeybee hives are being managed and maintained by Plan Bee for the global food giants at their headquarters and manufacturing plant in Talbot Road, Manchester.

The beehives help Kellogg’s to extend their sustainability credentials, an ethos inherited from company founder W.K. Kellogg more than a hundred years ago.

Wilson Vale chef manager, James Wood, and his head chef, Jason Alexander are supporting the initiative, and are even planning to undertake a bee keeping course next year.

Andrew Wilson said: “There are approximately 660 people at the Kellogg’s site so our chefs use the honey from the on-site hives within the staff restaurant and the busy on-site hospitality service for dishes such as honey-glazed gammon ham, honey & mustard salad dressing and honey & banana sponge cake. The ‘Talbot Road’ branded jars of honey are also available to be purchased by employees.

“Our chefs are delighted to be involved in this initiative as it is perfectly in tune with our fresh food and sustainability ethos.”

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PSC Team