22nd Oct 2008 - 00:00
As part of Farmhouse Breakfast Week 2009, the hunt is on for those individuals and organisations that are passionate about using the very best regional breakfast produce.
Campaign organiser, HGCA, is searching to find those that do more than most to uphold the country's great breakfast traditions. The nationwide competition is being held to celebrate Farmhouse Breakfast Week (25-31 January, 2009). Organisers said: "The campaign, now in its tenth successive year, is a celebration of the variety and provenance of the country's breakfast foods, whilst promoting the importance of starting the day with a healthy balanced breakfast. The competition is open to everyone. "So, whether you are representing a B&B, cafe, or hotel… or work in the food industry and are passionate about breakfast, tell us why you are a Breakfast Champion. It could be the range of delicious regional products you offer, or the traditional or regionally inspired recipes that you serve. Perhaps it is your healthy breakfast choices and cooking methods, or the way you promote the importance of breakfast." There will be prizes of Aga kitchenware for nine regional winners and local publicity. Entry forms are available to complete online, or download from www.farmhousebreakfast.com or you can phone HGCA on 0207 520 3968 to request an entry form.
Closing date for entries is 1 December 2008. HGCA can also supply a range of promotional materials, including posters, recipe booklets, stickers and information on organising events for Farmhouse Breakfast Week.