The future of UK policy and industry practice relating to high fat, sugar and salt (HFSS) foods will be discussed at a conference in December.
The ‘Policy on high fat, sugar and salt foods - next steps for reformulation, marketing and regulation’ conference, organised by the Westminster Food & Nutrition Forum, will be held in central London on 10th December 2015.
The conference will bring together professor Judy Buttriss, director general at the British Nutrition Foundation; Sue Davies, chief policy advisor at Which?; Dr Fraser Courts, diet, health and nutrition specialist at Campden BRI Group; Emma Gubisch, strategic insight manager at Leatherhead Food International; and Tim Smith, product quality director at Tesco.
Areas for discussion will include the fallout of the SACN report, which found that the daily recommended allowance of free sugars should be halved to 5% of daily energy intake.
The advisory committee, which published its research in August, also suggested the recommended daily intake of fibre to 30g a day, 25g for 11 to 15 year olds, 20g for five to 11 year olds and 15g for two to five year olds.
During the conference, Dr Alison Tedstone, chief nutritionist for Public Health England, will discuss the next steps for PHE following the report, as well as an opportunity for questions and comments from the audience.
Other topics expected to be discussed include approaches and challenges in reducing levels of HFSS within foods; priorities for marketing and labelling HFSS foods and industry best practice for HFSS.
To book a place for December's conference, use the online booking form by clicking here.