Round tables have replaced the traditional long tables to encourage communication and relationships. Plates and bowls have replaced the plastic trays. Children set the tables with their cutlery and serve themselves vegetables and side dishes from serving bowls in the middle of the table.
In September, she says, the scheme will be rolled out to the younger year groups and the school’s Year 6 pupils will be involved in supporting the move by becoming 'role models'.
She added: “Staff join the pupils for lunch to support with skill development and role modelling, and we have already noticed that the hall is quieter and calmer, the children are eating more and therefore there is less waste.
“Health and wellbeing is a key area in the curriculum for Wales and holds equal weighting, therefore we were keen to develop this area of the school day in line with this. Our new lunchtimes support this as well as developing independent skills and pupil understanding of making healthy choices.
“We would like to say a big thank you to the catering team, Valero and our fundraising committee for embracing our new project and supporting us to deliver it to our children.”