27th May 2009 - 00:00
East Midlands caterers, chefs and food manufacturers are keen to discover new products that could make their dishes healthier without compromising on taste.
That's the view to emerge from a working party set up by the Food and Drink innovation Network (iNet). A wide range of salt, sugar and fat substitutes that provide the same taste and texture as traditional ingredients is now available to the industry. But chefs, caterers and manufacturers told the working party event that raising awareness of these key products would help increase their use – and help the hospitality trade to provide healthier meals. The Safe Food and Healthy Eating working party was joined by researchers and new product development experts. Now the working party plans to meet again in July to look at the different ingredients available to make products healthier and evaluate the effects they may have on the recipe. "The working party event proved to be very informative and interesting. It has given us excellent feedback that we can use to help manufacturers and those in the food service industry create healthier meals, without compromising on taste," said Emma Swinscoe. Delegates heard how sales of healthier option foods have grown faster than sales as a whole, and the healthy eating trend is here to stay. Cutting back on fats, sugars and salts will remain a key driver.