All ages, abilities and imaginations are welcome, just pick a distance from 10km to 40km and then run, walk, wheel, relay, skip, skate, pogo or even cartwheel your way through, whilst raising funds to support those struggling with mental health and wellbeing.
Craig Prentice, founder of Walk for Calm, commented: “I’m excited to bring Walk for Calm back for a second year to promote better mental health across our industry, whilst highlighting and supporting the great work of Hospitality Action and CALM.
“There has never been a more important time for people to come together in a fun way to increase awareness of wellbeing and positive mental health.”
Walk for Calm kicks off on World Suicide Prevention Day (Friday 10th September) and runs until Sunday 26th September.
Mark Lewis, chief executive of Hospitality Action, said: “Hospitality Action offers lifelines to people who work or have worked in the hospitality industry and find themselves in difficulty. As you can imagine more people than ever have been in crisis, mostly financial, over the last 14 months.
“We received 20,000 emails asking for help in the first week of the lockdown and we calculate that Hospitality Action has helped approximately 5,000 hospitality households since Covid first struck last March. By taking part in Walk for Calm you’ll be keeping active and engaged, taking care of your own mental health as you take care of others.”
Every pound raised will help the wellbeing and mental health of people in the industry and across the UK.