Globally, around 25.8 million people participated in Veganuary in January 2025. A new sister campaign, V-March will bring the Veganuary concept to even more people when it launches next month in China. Over 50 businesses in China have already committed to being a part of the campaign by launching or promoting plant-based products.
Nationally representative surveys were commissioned by Veganuary in 11 of its core campaign countries to establish the percentage of people who report having taken part in Veganuary during January 2025.
Since Veganuary launched its first pledge in January 2014, millions of people – coming from almost every country in the world – have taken part.
Reflecting on the success of the 2025 campaign so far, Veganuary’s head of communications Toni Vernelli, commented: “It is incredibly inspiring to see Veganuary’s participation and influence continue to grow around the world.
“As people become more aware of the incredible impact our food choices have on the health of our planet, attitudes towards plant-based eating are changing everywhere and Veganuary’s friendly, non-judgmental, just-give-it-a-go-for-a-month-and-see-what-you-think approach has undoubtedly played an instrumental role in this shift.”