Now in its fifth year, the trophies were awarded in 20 different categories, including outstanding customer service, most outstanding dish and employee of the year- which went to Malcolm Hill, who runs Premier Crew.
18 staff members were awarded with long service awards and all those who have gained qualifications or completed their apprenticeships were ‘recognised’.
Vacherin’s three owners Mark Philpott, Clive Hetherington and Phil Roker presented the ‘Tastier’, ‘Brighter’ and ‘Stronger’ prizes respectively which went to head chef Nikki Low and catering managers, Emma Abbruzzese and Zaria Romero.
"Hot Shots has to be my favourite Vacherin event of the year. We’re nothing without the brilliant people who work for us so to have the chance to gather our stars under one roof, acknowledge their contribution to Vacherin in front of their peers and to personally thank them for their unfailing enthusiasm has to be the highlight in anyone’s year,” said Philpott, Vacherin chairman.