3rd Mar 2020 - 06:00

Research by Centres for Disease Control and Prevention has indicated a growing number of US adults are becoming obese.
The study highlights 42.4% of US adults over 20 are obese, which is an 11.9% rise since 1999-2000.
Obesity is defined in the study as a body mass index (BMI) greater than or equal to 30 whereas ‘severe obesity’ is greater than or equal to 40. The BMI can be calculated when a persons weight is divided by their height.
The number of US adults considered ‘severely obese’ in 2017/18 was 9.2%, increasing 4.5% since the recording in 1999.
Collectively ‘severe obesity’ and obesity were higher in non-Hispanic black adults and all groups of the ages 40-59. Also there were more ‘severely obese’ women (11.5%) than men (6.9%).
Obesity is associated with health risks including type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease and end-stage renal disease.