Established in 2018, the CUBO RA Awards mark exceptional achievement in residence life, the comprehensive programme that supports the experience of living on and off campus in purpose-built student accommodation. Residence assistants are students who work or volunteer in residence life, providing a unique, personal and peer presence within university halls.
The 2020 RA Awards winners are:
Adam Roberts, University of the Arts London
Kyle Ashbee, Staffordshire University
Lucy Thomas, Royal Holloway University of London
Putu Sudiana, Newcastle University
Violina Sarma, Cardiff University
Jessica O'Logbon, King’s College London
Gabriella Smith, University Partnership Programme (UPP)
The winners were nominated by their institution and selected by an international judging panel from the higher education sector.
The awards were due to be presented in May at the 2020 CUBO Residence Life Conference, which has been cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The winners will now receive their trophies from their universities at home.
Since the start of the Covid-19 crisis, residence life activities and support have moved online, with residence life professionals and student RAs across the world finding creative, digital ways to support students and boost morale in uncertain and stressful times, whether that is building community through games and quizzes, maintaining mental and physical wellbeing through virtual yoga and cookery classes, providing practical advice on staying safe or signposting services like hardship funds and counselling.
Working closely with Acuho-i, CUBO has led the development of residence life in the UK through training events such as the annual Residence Life Conference and the Global Housing Training Institute.
Jan Capper, CEO of CUBO and a member of the judging panel said: “A strong residence life programme improves the campus experience, contributing to student wellbeing, retention and academic results. The Covid-19 crisis only underlines the essential work of these exceptional young people whose best practice we are recognising with a 2020 RA Award.”