While nutrition, healthy eating and sustainability are all recognised as ‘driving forces’ in an ‘increasingly diverse’ food service management sector; employers showed ‘concern’ about their ability to hire workers and product availability following the UK’s withdrawal from the EU.
The report revealed that more than 90% of FSM clients consider health and nutrition an ‘important or critically important’ issue.
A further 90%+ of businesses surveyed had a workforce that was over 50% female.
UKHospitality chief executive, Kate Nicholls, said: “This report underlines the importance and vibrancy of the sector as well as the opportunities and challenges it faces.
“FSM businesses, like their high street cousins, innovate and provide much-needed investment around the UK. They are no less important than our pub, bar and hotel sectors, and UKHospitality will be using this report to ensure that they are supported by Government.”
Sarah Whiddett, head of insight and customer experience at Bidfood, added: “We are very heartened to read that the foodservice industry is in a strong and resilient state of health this year.
“The report highlights that there are key trends working in our favour and opportunities for us all work closer together, to secure growth and further development for our sector”.
The report can be viewed online via:https://www.ukhospitality.org.uk/page/FoodServiceManagementReport2018/SM.