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UK offices ditching the kettle for coffee shop quality hot drinks

29th Apr 2015 - 09:31
UK offices ditching the kettle for coffee shop quality hot drinks
UK offices are ditching the kettle to make hot drinks in favour of using filter machine, coffee pod machine or fresh bean-to-cup coffee machine.

The 2015 survey by the Office Coffee Company highlighted a shift towards coffee being the favourite hot drink of office workers.

Richard Doherty, managing director of the Office Coffee Company, said: “The hoice of drinks on the high street is now being replicated in the home, and the office.

“There’s no escaping the need for choice as coffee drinkers are split in their preference for a Cappucino, Latte, Americano, Flat White or Espresso. We even found a desire amongst 10% of office workers for hot chocolate.”

The survey also revealed that 47% of office workers are leaving the office during the working day to purchase coffee from the high street.

In this year’s survey office workers were asked about the importance of their employer’s green credentials. 63% answered ‘very important’ or ‘quite important’. Despite this, only 25% of office workers surveyed could be confident that their employers provide ethically sourced tea and coffee.

The Office Coffee Company, a provider of ethical, beverages and coffee machines for businesses, is on a mission to ensure nobody has a bad coffee at work ever again.

Written by
PSC Team