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UCC supports coffee growing communities with new blend

4th Feb 2019 - 09:02
Coffee company, UCC Coffee UK & Ireland, has launched a new variant to support Project Waterfall charity provide fresh water and sanitation to coffee growing communities.

Sourced from Ethiopia and Uganda, a percentage of every Grand Café Project Waterfall pack sold will be donated to the charity.

As well as supporting a four-year project to "transform the lives" of Ethiopian coffee producers, the new blend will also help the charity with the below:


  • Provide clean water to 5,100 people
  • Fix toilets and water points in six schools
  • Create health clubs and community in six schools



  • Implement two 100m³ reservoirs
  • Provide clean water to 10,662 people
  • Add 20 water points in schools and public spaces


UCC managing director, Elaine Swift, commented: “Having sat on the board of trustees at the Allegra Foundation since 2009, I’ve been able to see first-hand the great work Project Waterfall does in improving the lives of not just coffee growers, but their entire communities.


“From educating local people on safe water practices, to providing clean water and sanitation to local schools, I couldn’t think of a better cause for the latest addition to our most popular and ethically driven, Grand Café range.”


Rebecca Hodgson, brand partnerships manager at Project Waterfall, added: “Without the continued support of the UK coffee industry, (Project Waterfall) wouldn’t have achieved half of what it has done for the world’s coffee growing communities.


“We couldn’t be more grateful for UCC Coffee’s continued support, and for its new dedicated Project Waterfall coffee.


“This blend will allow us to go even further in providing sustainable clean water and sanitation solutions where they’re needed most.”


Written by
Edward Waddell