6th Apr 2016 - 12:31

The World Health Organization has called for global action to halt the rise in diabetes rates, which according to the first WHO Global report on diabetes, has quadrupled since 1980.
The report finds that 422 million adults are living with the disease, of which Type 2 accounts for the vast majority of, globally.
Type 2 diabetes is largely the result of excess body weight and physically inactivity.
Dr Margaret Chan, WHO director general, said: “If we are to make any headway in halting the rise in diabetes, we need to rethink our daily lives: to eat healthily, be physically active, and avoid excessive weight gain.”
In 2014, more than one in three adults aged over 18 years were overweight and more than one in ten were obese.
The WHO global report has been released ahead of tomorrow’s World Health Day (7th) and calls for action on the rise in diabetes and improving care for sufferers.