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Two UK finalists wow judges at Caffe Ritazza World Barista Championships

13th Sep 2013 - 09:02
Two UK finalists Matteo Pavoni and Kate Crozier have triumphed at the sixth annual Caffe Ritazza World Barista Championships yesterday in Bologna, taking second and third places.

The baristas saw off stiff competition from eight finalists from around the world, with Pavoni winning a prize of £500 and Crozier £300. The overall winner was Louise Olsson from Sweden, whose win was rewarded with a £1,000 prize.

During the competition, Pavoni and Crozier were tasked with creating four consistent espressos, cappuccinos and a signature drink of their own creation. They were judged by four sensory judges, two technical judges and one head judge and had to demonstrate a mastery of technical skills, craftmanship, communication and service skills, together with a passion for the barista profession. They were also marked on their understanding of coffee knowledge beyond the drinks they were required to serve.  

Pavoni wowed the judges with a signature drink featuring an espresso with lemon slice and tonic water, and a choice of either raw sugar cane syrup or a cocoa nibs infusion. Crozier delighted the judges with a three part signature drink, which comprised of a raspberry coulis infused with vanilla, followed by espresso and rosemary-infused dark chocolate – concluding with a dried cherry tea.

Pavoni, barista at SSP Euston Station, commented: “I am overjoyed to have come second in the Championship, particularly as this was my first time in competition. It was very inspirational watching the other finalists, and I have lots of new ideas to try out back in the UK. I am determined to become an excellent barista, and will certainly be taking part again next year with the aim to win!”

Crozier, barista at SSP Belfast International Airport, added: “To meet the other finalists, who were all as passionate about crafting good coffee as I am, was an amazing experience. The atmosphere at the finals was electric, and I was hugely impressed by the skills of the other competitors. I am incredibly pleased to have come third, and am looking forward to entering again next year.”

Mark Angela, chief executive, SSP UK & Ireland concluded: “To say we are proud of Matteo and Kate is an understatement. They went up against our very best from around the world, which is no easy feat. For the UK to have taken 2nd and 3rd place is a fantastic achievement. Our baristas are trained to the most exacting standards to deliver nothing less than excellent coffee and we’re delighted to have a world championship where we can showcase and reward their skills.”

Written by
PSC Team