The Mayor of London reiterated that all children attending state primary schools in London will receive the meals while he’s Mayor.
The trio visited Henry Fawcett Primary School in Lambeth, to mark the extension of his funding that last year delivered more than 43m meals to London’s schoolchildren, helping families across the capital.
Dawn Persad, headteacher at Henry Fawcett Primary School, said: “The Universal Free School Meals programme is incredibly important to our school and our community. For some of our children, our school lunches are the only hot meal they will eat all day. From our experience, we know that it has also substantially relieved financial pressure on families, particularly those families who are on the cusp of meeting the household income threshold.
“All children can access a nutritionally balanced meal (which can be difficult to achieve with a packed lunch regardless of your financial situation). All-in-all, we are delighted that more support has been given to our families and the children will benefit from a health and education perspective.”
City Hall has invested a further £140m to continue the programme for a second year to ensure that all children attending state primary school in London are offered a free, nutritious meal. It is expected that up to 270,000 children will benefit this year and that families could save more than £1,000 over the first two years per child.
Pankhania, author of Craveable, added: “I’ve grown up food obsessed and always loved school canteen meals. As someone who received free school meals I know first-hand how much of a difference they can make to families. I'm so happy that the Mayor has committed to funding free school meals for all state primary school children, and it’s been heartwarming to hear about the programme."
Previously, children in Years 3 to 6 would only receive free school meals if they lived in households on Universal Credit earning less than £7,400 a year - after tax and not including benefits - and regardless of the number of children in the family.
Khan commented: “Funding free school meals for all state primary schoolchildren across London is one of my proudest achievements as Mayor, so I’m delighted that the programme is now entering its second year and reducing the financial pressure on families. By ensuring pupils don’t go hungry in the classroom, they can better concentrate on their studies and have the best possible chance to succeed.
“I know from personal experience what a difference free school meals can make and I am determined to ensure that no child in the capital goes hungry. That’s why for as long as I am Mayor all state primary schoolchildren will be offered free school meals, helping to build a fairer and healthier London for everyone.”
A report by the Child Poverty Action Group and the National Education Union has shown that providing all children free school meals has a wide range of benefits including improved concentration, more financial security for parents and children who would ordinarily get means-tested free school meals face less stigma.
The Mayor of London has also provided £7.5m for meals during the school holidays and weekends. More than 15.3m holiday and weekend meals have been distributed by The Felix Project and Mayor’s Fund for London via community organisations since the programme began in April 2023 and an estimated 3.7m more have been distributed over this summer holiday.
Charlotte Hill OBE, chief executive of The Felix Project, explained: “Sadly, for so many families across London, and the whole of the UK, covering the cost of feeding their children is incredibly stressful and so we welcome the Mayor of London extending universal free school meals for a second year.
“Giving all primary schoolchildren access to a free, healthy meal makes a world of difference. Not only can it alleviate a family’s food budget, it benefits the child themselves. Instead of being hungry or worrying about their next meal, they can focus on learning and enjoying school as they should.”