Chief executive Mike Haslin said pride of place went to the new Masters degree in Hospitality Leadership in Universities and the Public sector, a two-year course which will see the first cohort begin in January 2019.
"We have just had this course, designed for us in collaboration with the University of the South Bank, validated. It is the first of its kind in the industry and offers an extra step in the career path for those who are ambitious."
He said training through the TUCO Academy had seen a 10% increase in the numbers taking part over the last year and the organisation's study tours and development days, covering topics like vegan cooking and molecular gastronomy, had also proved very popular.
He looked forward to TUCO's Winter Conference, taking place in Queen's University in Belfast, where he hoped findings would be made public to explain the often-seen correlation between the better universities and in-house catering.
"We have also talked about this anecdotally, but we need some solid research behind it to validate things before we can draw firm conclusions."
Also launched at the conference were TUCO's Global Food & Beverage Trends Report 2018, its code of practice on Food Allergen Management and its Student Eating & Drinking Habits Report 2018.
"There is also a new efficiency review service for members that we are launching, we have decided to benchmark our basket of 300 products against the High Street every quarter rather than annually, and we've tweaked the publicly-available online Greenhouse Calculator to help people better understand the results they are getting," he said.