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Top 10 exam booster tips from catering experts Cucina

16th Jun 2011 - 00:00
Education catering expert Cucina is providing Top Tips at its schools and academies to give students hints on how nutrition can help their exam performance.
The top four tips which should help get candidates through the forthcoming exams are: Eat Slow release carbohydrates that give controlled energy release helping candidates to keep concentration levels up right through the exam. Why not try... healthy breakfast cereals, muesli bars (the best quality ones), wholemeal bread, basmati rice & pasta. Try Omega 3 minerals, if taken regularly these essential fatty acids can help combat stress and improve memory retention. Why not try... a grilled tuna steak for tea or a salmon pasta salad which will have your slow release carbohydrates as well or may be a smoked salmon & cream cheese bagel. For non fish lovers, vegetarian alternatives such as hemp seed or flax seed can be easily mixed into a salad or through freshly baked bread which we serve in the dining rooms. Munch on Super foods with naturally high levels of antioxidants & minerals. They keep immune systems in tip top form and raring to go into that exam to give you the best results! Why not try... a wide range of items include oranges, mushrooms, tomatoes, strawberries, pomegranates, pineapple, papaya & blueberries which are all super foods. Top up your liquids. It is essential to keep your body properly hydrated and before entering an exam this is especially important to help maintain concentration levels. However, NOT with high caffeine or sugar drinks because even though they give a temporary lift, they will have worn off long before the end of the exam, leaving you on a low, which is far worse! Why not try... drinks containing no added sugar, ideal to keep you hydrated. Steve Quinn, managing director of Cucina added: "Everyone knows that a balanced diet is essential to stay healthy, this is especially important at exam times. Memory retention and concentration building food is important to combat exam stress, nerves and extra strain on the body at this key time." Cucina restaurants are also creating grab and go lunch bags crammed with the foods best for exam success which are available to take into the exam halls.
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PSC Team