Commissioned by the HS Health Scotland, the latest Scottish Social Attitudes survey was undertaken on over 1,000 individuals aged 16+, and found that “most Scots support action to reduce the levels of sugar, fat and salt in food” said the BBC.
It also found that 90% “thought cheap fast food was too easily available” and that 62% “supported a tax on sugary fizzy drinks.” Conversely, only 47% agreed to a taxation on foods high in fat, showing that Scots perceive high-fat foods differently to those high in sugar.
With 80% of respondents agreeing that “most people are overweight because they eat too much and exercise too little,” a further 91% said people were overweight “because of the type of food they ate.”
This must be welcoming news for the country, whose obesity levels have risen dramatically over the years with 2016 data showing that 29% are currently deemed obese. What’s more, since 1995, there has been a 52% increase in the number of overweight people in Scotland – currently at 65% of the population – which is “one of the highest levels among the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) group of developed nations.”
When asked if “being overweight and obesity was a problem,” 70% agreed that it is an issue that needs to be addressed, with 66% backing restrictions on unhealthy foods at supermarket checkouts and “restrictions on advertising and sponsorship, and on portion size.”