As a sponsor of Nutrition & Hydration Week, Tetley will host an afternoon tea event at The Hawthorns Care Home for residents with head chef and NACC Care Cook of the Year finalist, Martin McKee. Tetley will also provide strategic advice and support to care homes across the UK.
Caroline Lecko, patient safety lead, NHS England and Nutrition and Hydration Week campaigner, said: “We believe that improving hydration is fundamental to promoting health and well being and, for so many, the familiarity of a nice cup of tea is the best way to support adequate hydration. We very much look forward to working with Tetley in highlighting that tea can play a crucial role in improving hydration.”
Tetley will also support the NACC as a premier partner, attending the Training & Development Forum at the East Midlands Conference Centre this October.
The tea brand has produced a top tips for hydration guide sheet, which can be viewed by clicking here or below as an attachment.