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Teachers turn to hospitality employers for diploma lesson planning

2nd Mar 2010 - 00:00
Teachers and lecturers are increasingly turning to the hospitality industry for help in lesson planning for the new Hospitality Diploma, according to a poll from People 1st.
The new 14-19 Diplomas are one of the three main education choices for young people – alongside GCSEs, A levels and Apprenticeships. Prompted by the need to develop a brand new curriculum with accompanying lesson plans and packs, over half (55%) of those surveyed claimed to have contacted local hospitality employers for support in helping prepare themselves for the new Diploma. Nearly three-quarters (71%) of teachers and lecturers confirmed they had a good working relationship with their local employers. 66% said they were getting sufficient support from local employers, especially from hotels and restaurants, but welcomed more input from employers involved in events management (69%), pubs, bars and nightclubs (64%), and membership clubs (96%). 83% of practitioners said that their students enjoyed and were greatly benefiting from the Hospitality Diploma and looked forward to coming into class. Heather Taylor, Hospitality Diploma manager, said: "While our survey findings show that some teachers and lecturers may initially have been daunted by the prospect of putting together and delivering a brand new syllabus incorporating theory with applied learning, they have taken it in their stride. "From the beginning, there has been great willingness and enthusiasm from leading professionals to share their industry expertise and offer practical support to schools and colleges. Slowly but surely, more colleges are taking advantage of this rich resource within their community."
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PSC Team