After receiving their 31 days of emails, almost half (47%) said animals were their number one motivation for trying vegan, followed by personal health (20%) and the environment (14%). Other reasons included for a curiosity (7%), global health (6%) and for a friend/partner/family member (4%).
Almost one-third (31%) of those who were not already vegan before Veganuary plan to stay vegan at the end of their pledge. Around three-quarters (72%) of those not staying vegan plan to at least halve their intake of animal products going forward and 91% are very/extremely likely to try vegan again in the future.
According to the Veganuary survey, almost half saw some improvement to their overall health (45%), with increased energy (44%), improved mood (46%), better skin (36%) and desired change in body weight (33%) being the most common benefits. Ninety-eight percent would recommend Veganuary to a friend or family member.
Veganuary’s Toni Vernelli, said: “These incredible results show that Veganuary is so much more than a one-month pledge as taking part leads to lasting diet change for most participants. With 81% of our 2025 participants planning to at least halve their intake of animal products permanently – including nearly one-third who plan to stay fully vegan – Veganuary really is driving positive change for animals, people and the planet.
“We work very hard to equip our participants with as much useful advice, delicious recipes and friendly support as possible when they opt to receive our 31 daily emails, so it’s very rewarding to know that 98% would recommend Veganuary to others. This figure has been consistent for many years, demonstrating the value of Veganuary’s work in making plant-based eating easy and accessible for everyone.”