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Survey finds 78% of Scots want First Minister to fulfill Government’s breakfast promise

23rd May 2023 - 07:00
Ginger Pixie Photography
Charity Magic Breakfast is calling upon the First Minister Humza Yousaf to fulfil the promise made to Scottish children and young people almost two years ago and start offering schoolchildren and young people in all primary and special schools a daily free breakfast.

In September 2021, then First Minister Sturgeon committed the Scottish Government to delivering free universal breakfast provision in all primary and special schools. However children across Scotland continue to start the day hungry almost two years after the Scottish Government promised to support them.

Magic Breakfast and the Scottish people are asking the Scottish Government to act now – as levels of poverty and hunger mean children cannot wait any longer. A Magic Breakfast poll found that 78% of Scots want the First Minister to act now and fulfil the Government’s promise.

Lindsey MacDonald, chief executive at Magic Breakfast, commented: “We welcomed the announcement by The Scottish Government in September 2021, which signalled leadership, commitment to tackling inequality and a brighter future for Scotland.

“The new First Minister can demonstrate his commitment to a more progressive and fairer Scotland by delivering on this promise as breakfast can’t wait any longer. Backing this policy may hopefully further debate on similar investment in children across the rest of the UK.

“This policy is the right thing to do, with overwhelming support from the Scottish people, Magic Breakfast are asking the Government to roll-out the policy now, delivering real change for Scotland.”

Written by
Edward Waddell