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Sunday roast dinner voted nation’s favourite dish by The Fat Panel

7th Mar 2011 - 00:00
A Sunday roast with all the trimmings has been voted the nation’s favourite dish, according to a survey commissioned by The Fat Panel.
Over 35% of men and women in the UK enjoy tucking into a traditional Sunday roast more than any other meal and more than one in three polish off the meal with a chocolate fudge cake and cream for dessert. Second place is steak and chips with 11% of the vote. Meanwhile the British steak and kidney pie and toad in the hole came last. For desserts, apple pie and ice cream is the second favourite choice (20%). And 30% of people chose Chinese food as their favourite takeaway, followed by 29% favouring an Indian. Fat Panel expert and nutritionist Sarah Schenker commented on the findings: "This research shows that takeaways are very popular, however we need to be careful not to eat meals high in saturated fat too often. It's much easier to stay in control of what we are eating when we cook ourselves. "Being aware of what's in the food we buy, using sensible cooking methods, such as grilling, and opting for common sense swaps like using 1% milk instead of full-fat or margarine and spread instead of butter will all have a positive effect on the amount of saturated fat we eat."
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PSC Team