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Sugar levy boosts soft drink sales

29th May 2018 - 11:02
sugar, levy, drinks
In the two weeks following the introduction of the sugar levy in April, sales of soft drinks rose by £5m to £167m per week, according to IRI market data.

The market research provider found that there was also a 7% (11m litres) volume shift to low-sugar alternatives in soft drinks during this period. 

Since the implementation of the sugar levy, Pepsi and Coca-Cola are the only brands to experience a small impact in volume, down -2% and -1% respectively, whilst all other major brands have seen a positive impact in volume sales.

Stephen Jacobs, Insight Director at IRI, said: “The introduction of the UK sugar levy has had a clear impact on the soft drinks category without effecting volume sales, so far.

“Good weather always leads to a rise in soft drinks sales but there is no doubt that higher prices have driven consumers to make healthier choices with one of every 13 soft drinks sold a low sugar alternative."

He added: “We look forward to seeing how the big brands can capitalise on Britain’s changing habits and harness this growth successfully.” 


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