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Study finds Gen Z Brits enjoy bread making & growing vegetables

29th Sep 2022 - 05:00
A new study has revealed that as many as 42% of youngsters believe there has been a resurgence in traditional hobbies and skills.

Around 28% of young Brits now have a vegetable patch, 26% are attempting to be more self-sufficient by baking their own bread and 18% make their own preserves. Over half of the Brits polled admitted they find having a hobby or activity is a great way to relax. 

One in two Brits (49%) believe people are returning to more affordable hobbies due to the rising cost of living, while 38% insist they are a great way to help look after the planet and waste less. The research, commissioned by Sugru, found that 44% of 18-29-year-olds enjoy an interest or hobby, which is more than any other age group who were polled.

Jane Ní Dhulchaointigh, creator and co-founder of Sugru Mouldable Glue, said: It’s clear to see that there’s plenty of seemingly ‘old fashioned’ hobbies making a comeback, from knitting to jam making and calligraphy.

“There’s so much joy to be had from being mindful and creating something with your hands, which is why so many of us are returning to these activities. Anything that helps to create a more meaningful relationship with the stuff in our lives is a good thing - and often even better for the planet too.”

Written by
Edward Waddell