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#StomachThis - UK food poverty awareness campaign launches

20th Feb 2015 - 09:49
UK food poverty creative awareness campaign launches
Events company Nudge has launched a three month creative awareness campaign ‘#StomachThis’, to dig deep into the community, understanding the extent of hunger and food poverty in the UK.

The campaign will include a national conference, entitled ‘Poverty in the 7th richest country’, on May 28th 2015 at London’s Grand Connaught Rooms.

Chefs from across the food service spectrum are being called upon to create a nutritious menu, sufficient for a week with only a budget of £6.

Similarly, Nudge is challenging people to survive off a £6 a week food budget and to create a seven day video diary documenting the experience.

A call for individuals, groups or organisations to commit a few hours volunteering at a local foodbank is also being raised.

The campaign is being headed by Nudge with support from Fomat, Heard Media and The Trussell Trust.

Nudge are urging anyone who carries out any of the challenges to send their photos and videos to, whilst using the hashtag #StomachThis @nudgeweare

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PSC Team