4th Jun 2009 - 00:00
Starbucks in the US has won the right to continue making junior baristas share their tips with shift supervisors.
The global coffee company had been ordered to repay over £60 million in tips to baristas last year but appealed against the decision. The court said that as the baristas and supervisors do similar tasks during their shifts they should share their tips evenly. Starbucks said that the ruling validates its policy and it's pleased that the appeal court agrees. Starbucks does not have to pay back the tips to the junior baristas following the ruling. In a report on the BBC, the court said that shift supervisors "… are also part-time, hourly employees who perform all the duties of barista, but are also responsible for some additional tasks. There is no authority prohibiting an employer from allowing a service employee to keep a portion of the collective tip in proportion to the amount of hours worked, merely because the employee also has limited supervisory duties."