The travel location specialists’ money is predominantly going into work on existing outlets throughout the airport, visited last year by over five million people.
The Lagan Bar has been extended to seat an additional 100 customers and Starbucks is set to undergo a complete refurbishment.
SSP, which currently operates all but one food and beverage unit at the airport, will also convert Strangford Kitchen & Grill to a food-led premium bar, and transform the airport’s Café Bar into a second Ritazza coffee shop.
SSP UK chief executive, Simon Smith, said: “We have been working at Belfast for over 15 years, and we are delighted to be building on this longstanding relationship with one of the UK’s most important airport
“An additional 500,000 passengers will pass through the terminal this year, creating yet another new record. This investment will ensure that we will continue to deliver excellent food and beverage to Belfast’s passengers as traveller numbers rise.”
SSP has business at approximately 130 airports and 280 rail stations, and operate approximately 2,000 units in over 30 countries around the world.