Helen Browning, Soil Association chief executive, said: “Swapping everyday items like carrots, chicken or yoghurt for organic alternatives can all make surprisingly large differences. If everyone makes a small change we can make a huge difference to our world.
“Choosing organic means helping protect our vital wildlife and reducing your exposure to potentially harmful pesticides and chemicals. You'll also be helping to support the farming families who work hard to grow our food with care for the generations to come.”
According to the Soil Association, if the 24 million households that buy yoghurt swapped to organic just once almost 2,000 more cows would be free to range on clover rich pastures. And if everyone who buys carrots switched to organic, an extra 17,500 football pitches worth of organic land would provide a safe haven for wildlife.
Organic September is organised by the Soil Association, which was founded by farmers, scientists, doctors and nutritionists in 1946.