Alex said: “I’m delighted to be joining the Soil Association Certification at a pivotal point for meaningful systems change across food, fashion, forestry and beyond. The organic standard is a holistic approach for sustainable agriculture, and I’m excited for these practices to further move into the mainstream.”
Soil Association Certification is a wholly owned subsidiary which certifies over 70% of all organic products sold in the UK. Alex joins the organic certification business from NHS Blood and Transplant where she was head of marketing.
Dominic Robinson, chief executive of Soil Association Certification, said: “The underlying trajectory of increasing demand for organic, sustainable forestry and ecosystem service standards is one that we see continuing into the future and I look forward to Alex helping continue to ensure that the Soil Association Certification Ltd is at the forefront of consumer demand whilst offering best in class client services.
“I know that she will bring energy and passion to our marketing and commercial work, engaging with clients, partners and consumers to expand the impact of our work.”