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Sodexo retains contracts with five private schools

29th Sep 2022 - 08:38
Independents by Sodexo has kicked off the new academic year with the announcement it has retained its contracts with five private schools from London to Edinburgh.

The contracts are with St Paul’s Cathedral School in London, Lady Eleanor Holles School in Middlesex, Magdalen College School in Oxford; Altrincham Grammar School for boys and George Watson’s College in Edinburgh.

Sodexo will provide healthy, nutritious and sustainable meals at four of the schools, whilst at George Watson’s College the Sodexo team will continue to deliver cleaning services.

Steve Hawkins, managing director for schools, Sodexo UK & Ireland said: “Our Independents by Sodexo team has long-standing partnerships with many prestigious schools, and we are thrilled that this year we have seen so many of them decide to continue to partner with us.

“These five schools are all committed to having a positive impact on society and the environment, a commitment shared by Sodexo.  It is our aim to provide food that will sharpen minds, energise the body and make children of all ages smile, whilst being kind to the planet and minimising waste.

“At Sodexo we are firmly in the belief that it all starts with the everyday and are committed to delivering a school meals service that brings the school community together and provides the school and parents with the confidence that the children are receiving healthy, nutritious and sustainable school meals.”

Sodexo has been providing school meals at St Paul’s Cathedral School in London since 1998 and will continue for a further three years. Sodexo provides meals for the pupils and staff throughout the year including Christmas Day and over the Easter weekend.

Altrincham Grammar School for boys has chosen to extend Sodexo’s contract for a further five years and has added the Trust’s North Cestrian School to the contract. At both schools Sodexo’s team will deliver a breakfast, break and lunchtime service as well as manage the sixth form café, tuck shop and vending machines.

Sodexo has been the school’s catering partner at Lady Elanor Holles School since 2014 during which time the school introduced compulsory school meals for its students in its junior and senior schools up to sixth form. The new contract is for a further five years and includes breakfast, lunch and tea for the junior school and prep pupils. 

Magdalen College School is one of Sodexo’s longest independent school clients and the new five year contract will take Sodexo and the school’s partnership to 45 years. As part of the project the kitchen and food servery area has been expanded and improved to allow better pupil flow and more menu choices to be offered. 

Written by
Edward Waddell