TBBT runs over 60 mobile food clubs, taking affordable food into some of the UK’s most impoverished communities. It aims to empower people to better use limited funds, encourage people to connect with their neighbours and get people to eat healthier foods.
Due to the ongoing cost of living crisis, TBBT has seen a significant increase in demand for membership. They currently have 27,000 members and on average 1,500 new families register every month, with TBBT regularly redistributing over 100 tonnes of food a week - almost 250,000 meals.
Claire Atkins Morris, director of corporate responsibility at Sodexo UK & Ireland, said: “I am really excited about the partnership we have built with TBBT. TBBT is giving people the support they need when it’s most needed and ensuring people are empowered to make healthy choices for their families.
“Creating a positive impact is fundamental to our social impact pledge through our people volunteering, our partners like TBBT, our planet redistributing food that would have been wasted, and our places; the communities we live and work. This partnership spotlights how sustainability and society are intrinsically linked.”
Figures from WRAP state that over two million tonnes of the food that goes to waste each year is still edible - that’s enough for 1.3 billion meals. To support TBBT’s members, the Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation has provided the charity with a £10,000 grant to help deliver The Bread and Butter Thing Healthy Start Project.
Mark Game, chief executive of The Bread and Butter Thing, added: “Our work is having a transformative effect in low income communities by reducing stress around food and enabling families to eat healthily and affordably.
“But we can’t ignore the fact that the rising cost of living is driving demand for our affordable scheme at an unprecedented rate with over 1,500 new families registering each month as members. Support from Sodexo has been vital in the expansion of our work and I'm excited our continued partnership with them will enable us to continue to grow and help more members.”