Franceska is visiting Sodexo client sites to talk about the importance of Fairtrade to support the livelihoods of coffee farmers in Peru.
Sodexo’s retail category manager for hot beverages, Kim Reeves, first met Franceska this summer when she travelled to two Fairtrade coffee co-operatives with Sodexo’s coffee supplier UCC and representatives from the Fairtrade Foundation.
Kim Reeves said: “The objectives for the trip were to see for ourselves the tangible differences that buying coffee with Fairtrade and other certifications makes, especially to the coffee farmers and their families at the beginning of the Aspretto supply chain.
“We are delighted to be able to host Franceska; for her to able to speak directly to our customers, employees and clients during Fairtrade Fortnight is incredibly valuable.
“Having made the personal connections in Peru I am delighted that Sodexo will continue to support the coffee farming communities we met, through the continued positive impact of the Fairtrade premium and also through the addition development projects we will fund.”
This year’s Fairtrade Fortnight campaign - ‘Sit down for breakfast, stand up for farmers!’ - aims to raise awareness of the farmers around the world, who grow much of the food western consumers take for granted, but can’t always feed their own families.
Sodexo will continue to support the co-operatives with a contribution of 13p for every kilo of Aspretto and other coffee that Sodexo sells, to fund on the ground development projects for farming families. On an annual basis, this equates to an overall contribution of about £8,000.