Each of their venues will put its own twist on the celebrations by offering a selection of party nights and the chance for corporate or leisure guests to host their own, bespoke events in the unique settings.
Natasha Carr, UK venue and events marketing manager at Sodexo said: “Our portfolio of clients comprises some of the most interesting, unusual, historic and quirky venues throughout the UK.
“And this Christmas they really are pulling out all the stops – we have everything from traditional celebrations to themed balls and even the magical experience of partying against of fairy lights on the River Thames.”
The choice of entertainment at each venue is varied, from IWM London’s 1940’s inspired wartime-style- events, to White Christmas-themed packages at London’s The Crystal at Royal Dock and The Athenaeum, Bury St. Edmunds.
Ascot Racecourse has party nights inspired by the glitter and mystery of the ancient city of Venice while Bateaux London and Windsor will be offering evening cruises up and down the River Thames.
For more information of the Christmas Parties and events at Sodexo, call the central enquiry hub on 0845 6055 699, email venues&events.prestige.uk@sodexo.com or visit www.prestiegevenuesandevents.sodexo.com