15th Sep 2008 - 00:00
An artistic pupil from St Joseph's primary school in Longsight has won a competition to design a sign for the school dining room.
Keeley Thornlea, who is in year five, beat off tough competition from her classmates with her eye-catching entry, The Snack Shack. Having come up with the clever name, Keeley set about creating some fun characters to go on her colourful sign. It certainly caught the imaginations of the judges at the school, who named her the winner. Councillor Bernard Priest, Executive Member for Finance and Human Resources with a responsibility for school meals at Manchester City Council said: "Keeley's winning design is of a very high standard and clearly she's put a great deal of thought into the catchy name and the artwork she's created. Keeley is a deserving winner and I hope she'll be proud to see her sign displayed in the school for everyone to see." As well as having the honour of naming the dining hall, Keeley was invited to officially open The Snack Shack, by cutting the ribbon at a special assembly in front of the rest of the school. She was also presented with a certificate and a ten pound gift voucher for HMV as part of her prize. The competition was the idea of Manchester Fayre, Manchester City Council's school meals provider, as an interactive way of encouraging young people to think about the importance of eating a healthy and balanced diet.