The upskill day is open to students that wish to be inspired to learn. The students will have the opportunity to watch and be involved in the demonstrations with a specific focus on smell and taste.
There will be a draw by Rupert Rowley to determine which 16 colleges will be able to attend the day at 11am on 15 October via Twitter. There will be an estimated 50 students and 16 lecturers attending the event.
Tea and coffee will be provided and students from the Sheffield MSK Academy will be assisting with the demonstrations.
The schedule for the day is:
12:00pm: Arrival - parking at the casino
12:20 pm: Introduction, Paul Morris of Luker Chocolate and Vicky Enderson of MSK will discuss ‘What is Chocolate- the journey from bean to bar’
1:15 pm: Rowley of MCCB talk on ‘Chocolate- not just for dessert’
1:50-2:15pm: Short break
2:15pm: Chris Burt, Luker chocolate Ambassador discussing ‘Columbian Chocolate with African Spices’
3:00pm: Aerated Chocolate - kitchen secrets and modern chocolate techniques
4:00pm: Thank you - travel safely and goodie bag