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Seafood Fortnight date extended

6th Mar 2008 - 00:00
Seafish has extended the Seafood Fortnight event to run from 5-21 September.
Seafood Fortnight aims to build on the success of Seafood Week in the food and d rink calendar, encouraging all sectors of the industry to get involved. The '2 a week' theme running throughout the event will urge everybody to eat the recommended two portions of seafood a week, one of which should be rich in omega 3 oils. Participating businesses will show how easy it is to eat '2 a week' sustainably with the wide variety of different species there are to choose from. There will also be a focus on how simple it is to cook with, as well as how nutritious it is. Chris Stevens, commercial manager at Seafish, commented on the results they got from their extensive industry market research: "Feedback showed a desire to extend to a fortnight, to maximise the effect of promotional activities. It also highlighted the possibility of linking up with Hay's Galleria Oyster and Seafood Fair which brought the event forward to September." Alan Swinson, catering director at Macdonald Hotels, explained the benefits of extending the date: "Extending it to a fortnight means more opportunities to drive home our provenance and quality messages and profile our restaurants and chefs."
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PSC Team